Here's what Meagan says:
"It was a particularly sunny day in May at a wedding in the Clearwell Castle in Gloucestershire. The champagne had been delivered to the table, but no one was there to drink it, as they all went to watch the attempt at cricket. I love how it is the older men who are off running to get the ball, and the children seem to be idly inching forward."
Thanks Meagan--and Happy Labor Day weekend everyone!
Cheers !
A fitting picture for a celebration. Michael York endorsement how exciting :)
Oh...I needed that. Cin cin, as they say.
Thanks for posting this! My English boyfriend just saw my spelling mistake though! I meant croquet!! Not cricket. I'm such an American sometimes. And congratulations to you...
Congrats on the endorsement. I like the colors and textures in this photo.
Wonderful...congrats on the endorsement...love Michael York! Happy week-end! Mary
Hello Denis, longtime no visit. I am sorry that I have been away and have missed all this excitement about your book. Congratulations!! Here is to your climb to the best seller’s list, cheers. I have a little post for your book on my blog, hope you approve.
Duchess ♥♥♥
Oh WOW, this is soooo beautiful ! You have the most gorgeous site here and I had to drop by and leave this comment for you - and say hello of course ! Your posts are lovely and you have interesting pictures. It's all perfect so thank you for sharing them all and best wishes....
Anyday which features a glass (or two) of bubbles is a good day!
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